Grab An Idea !

Gamify Project Management

Gamification is the making of something into a game. Challenges, rewards etc.

A system where project management is gamified, made fun, rewarding, all real-time. Things are done. Better.

Life Is Yours

Things are meant to change. People are meant to change. Growth is change and so is death. When something outlives its usefulness and purpose, it must go. Empires lasting hundreds of years eventually fallen. Languages and cultures and lifestyles have gone so that new ones may arise. Change is a part of life, and humans are agents of that change. Over millennia we’ve affected and changed the outcomes of countless species of plants and animals, and terrain. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for millions of years, millions! By comparison it’s estimated homo sapiens have been around for 200,000. Now the dinosaurs are gone.

Things change, people change. You cannot prevent yourself from affecting and changing the world. Just by living, you affect the entire planet

Your power is the power of growth and change. You embody the agent of change, if you were to but direct it on to your ambition, change occurs with every single step. And when your path converges on others with the same ambition with same direction of change, the results are amplified manyfold. Things canot remain the same so long as you are discontent. Change is your right, your nature, your duty.

Any way you cut it, you are on a journey. And you are the only one who can decide what this journey will entail. This is similar to the journey of a role playing game, except the game exists in a world of limitation, and you do not.

Our world is without limitation, without boundary, and is awaiting your commands. You have the choices; the power and the duty to create change. You are living an entire lifetime of experiences exclusive to you. You are the Captain, you are in control. Now you decide…what’s next?

Trying To Not Drink

The gamble of alcohol is just too much of a risk. I can have 20 times that I drink and everything works out well, I make people laugh, and have productive time. But the close calls are just too close. If I lost the gamble, I am completely screwed, and it’s a different life.

If the odds are 80% good night drinking, and 20% very bad night drinking, I cant afford to have a bad night drinking. It’s a game I cant even play.