
Acceptance of Suffering / Pain

Personally I like to distinguish between pain and suffering. I go by an idea I came across which says that pain is inevitable, but suffering arises from resistance to that pain. I really appreciated the following quote, and it is obvious the author is referring to the inevitable aspects of suffering or pain:

“One of the keys to a creative spirituality of suffering has something to do with its inevitability. If life always bring suffering with it, then it need never be sought but merely accepted. Every human life will have a measure of pain in it at different stages of the life process.

An acceptance of suffering gives us all the suffering we need, so to speak. The question is not whether we shall suffer or how much but what our attitude to it will be and what we shall make of it….

The sacrament of the present moment intends to make us aware of the meaningfulness of life and of the presence of God in each moment. It asks us not to look to the past and wish for something that was gone, or to the future to desire something which might never exist. It suggests, instead, that we live in the present moment, whether that moment be wonderful or frightening, and that we find in that moment something important to experience.

Each moment of life is sacramental because it reveals God to us and brings grace with it. Each moment makes us aware of who we are and enters into our life story. Some of these moments may be suffering moments, but these too teach us about the texture and quality of our lives and the nature and character of the universe we inhabit.

We know then that life brings more than enough suffering with it. We need not ever seek suffering for its own sake or inflict it on others. Suffering becomes a creative and contributing life experience when we allow life itself to determine the occasion and the intensity, the moment and the magnitude of the pain.

Every person suffers sooner or later. The poor suffer physical deprivation, but many experience stronger bonds with those they love and fewer illusions about life. The affluent suffer emotional distance from themselves and others, but receive more esteem and comfort. Those whose lives are socially unsuccessful suffer failure in the public order, but may be closer to their families and less infected with greed. The successful suffer stress, endless expectations for better performance and vicious competition, but they gain a sense of satisfaction with themselves and the acclaim of others.”

Anthony T. Padovano, A Celebration of Life

Chillin Quotes In Person Reality

Life Curriculum Parts 1 – 2

I started a curriculum out of necessity. Essentially it is lots of things covered, some explicitly or implicitly in the first Spark the Flame book, other items being other concepts and connections.

The content naturally formed as a curriculum, a set of guidelines of how the universe has been observed to behave, and ways we can act best.

The order of the lessons / sections are not set in stone and can plausibly change.

Right now these are rough outlines / topics for discussion within a class environmnent.

Section 1: Karma; Interconnectivity

  • You get what you give
    • The universe reflects to you who you are being;
    • Life as a mirror
    • Boomerang
      • Always see yourself in the other person’s position, because whatever you do to them, comes back to you
    • Use your observation to see the direct answer that life gives to who you are being
  • Good karma saves your butt when you are in trouble!
  • You cannot get away with anything
    • May return in different ways (pain to another causes a proportionate pain to you, but not necessarily the same exact painful event)
  • Law of Attraction
    • Thoughts and feelings attract like things, thoughts, and feelings
      • Works through mind images and feelings
      • Also NLP / self-talk
    • Neuroplasticity builds energies and points of attraction into the subconscious
      • You are attracting things all the time: consciously and subconsciously
        • Modify the subconscious by exerting the conscious
    • Its more personal, the methods that work for you
      • Combine all methods that work for you
      • Some people use “dream books” and “vision boards”
      • My way is to walk with the mindset. It sort of “burns” it, or “overlays” it into the world
    • Always stay true to your greatest, loving values
    • Watch your thoughts, they do not occur in a vacuum. They bring like-minded thoughts and things into your life
  • Everything is connected
    • STF section on Interconnectivity
    • This is part of why Karma and LOA can function anywhere, anytime, with anything

Section 2: Recovery, Salvation, Redemption

  • ALWAYS an opportunity for course correction
    • This is the same as religions saying “God will always take you back / forgive you”
    • No matter how deep in ish you have reached, you can ALWAYS make the choice to begin coming back

No matter how far and advanced we get, it seems like we always have some falling to “look forward to.”

…another chance to learn….


“Each thing has its own intrinsic value.”

-The Sandokai

Exponential Potential

You must always be willing to learn, because when you stop learning you also stop growing