Spark The Flame (el libro)

Spark The Flame ebook

Today is publishing day for Spark the Flame ebook! The printed version will likely be out in early 2016.

This ebook is free for everyone, forever. I hope it is useful to many people around the world for generations. Please share it with anyone and enjoy.

Spark the Flame ebook

Chillin Spark The Flame (el libro)

The official publishing of Spark the Flame, the book, is coming soon. Should be available in print, and for free download on this website, before this Christmas. Maybe much sooner 🙂

Oetics Trying To Not Drink

Three Years Sober From Alcohol

Three years sober from alcohol.

Only by the Grace of the Divine.

Help me continue to be free from alcohol. I am trying to be a good person for this world, for my Life.

Thank you


The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.

-Carl Rogers

Oetics Spark The Flame (el libro)

Theory of General Positivity, Version 1

Here is another excerpt from Spark The Flame, as it is currently evolving:

Faith converts adversity into harmony. Faith is the trust that when you aim to do the right thing in thought and action, Life evolves well for you. Faith is the heart muscle of your spiritual core. This muscle is especially exercised when you encounter adversity. Based on your perception, things are either in the process of working out for you or they are not. When you hold the premise that things are working out for you no matter what is occurring in your Life, and you do all you can to aid that premise in thought and action, this is a faith that converts adversity into harmony. Sometimes it works transparently, sometimes very mysteriously; but given time, faith always proves itself. Always.

The effort to recover from adversity and mistakes brings you growth and elicits assistance from Life. Challenges will occur all your life, they serve as a way to grow. If you are not growing, you are dying. For humans, stagnation devolves into decay. There are always ways to grow and you must always exercise this effort. Sincere effort opens further paths to progress.

Mistakes are part of Life and must be forgiven. You must forgive yourself. You must forgive others. You can always change your course and recover; this is human blessing.

Regardless of how it appears from this vantage point, there is a great harmony to everything in existence. Somehow there is benefit to this: what is happening now. If you aim to do right, something good has to come of it. It must by universal law.

Doing the right thing means playing your harmonious part. You are a piece of the puzzle that is the Whole. When you live abiding by the uniqueness of your core, your particular piece of the puzzle, you are being authentic.

Authenticity is the special way you will create change. It is a special way that you find meaning. When you are not trying to fit in as some other piece of the puzzle, but rather unleashing the freedom of expression that flows between your core and the rest of the world, you are running a divine plan imprinted in your Soul. This gives you relief, inspiration and empowerment. Authenticity will unlock your passion, unbridled divine energy that flows to you and through you because you have aligned so well with the greater harmony. You are literally living the part you were made for. The world needs your authenticity, and all are blessed when you embrace it.

For true authenticity you must forgive and accept yourself. The more you can forgive and accept yourself, the more you can forgive and accept others. Remember, Life has already forgiven and accepted you, always. This is healing. This is necessary for humanity to survive.

The following is a quoted ‘loving kindness meditation’:

If anyone has hurt me or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly in thought, word or deed, I freely forgive them.

And I too ask forgiveness if I have hurt anyone or harmed anyone knowingly or unknowingly in thought, word or deed.


I Am Forgiven and Accepted Already

I am Forgiven


Accepted already

Trying To Not Drink

Had a tough time today with alcohol. So very glad I didn’t drink. Was at lunch with two coworker friends , even the bartender was drinking hard liquor at lunchtime. It was cozy in there, I felt like I was missing out by not drinking with them.

Then at the end of the work day most of the office had a game of poker and just about everybody was drinking. I don’t know why, but after a while I had the thought that I really wanted to drink, and that maybe I could be ok with one drink or so. Thankfully I am  blessed that I didn’t drink. The strongest urge lasted only a moment or two, but it is scary to think that I considered it for a moment.

I have two and a half years without drinking. And I am still having frightening times of desire. I am scared to want to drink. I am scared to be fooled into thinking that I can have only a little and things will be perfectly fine.

The reality is the next time I choose to drink, I feel that myself or someone else could die. That is how serious alcohol affects me. How innocent and controllable one voluntary swig seems, but that one swig is a switch to open the floodgates of destruction.

With alcohol I don’t ever know how much destruction I will cause, or to whom.

I cant let that happen.

Please help me to stay clean. Please help me to stay clear and clean from alcohol. Please.

Thank you.

Exponential Potential

You have to be OK with mistakes.

Because you know what?

You’re going to make them.

Chillin Inserts

No matter what, Life can change for the better, starting from right Now


“Loving myself exactly where I am is the only way to get where I’m going” – Tracy McMillan

Chillin Oetics

The Warmth of a Loving Home

The warmth of a loving home


humility can be a virtue

humility can be a virtue


Help me feel Better About Myself

Help me feel




Fortune Cookie

“Turbulence is a life force. It is opportunity. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.”

Quotes In Person

“Dreaming of that place we all look for. We try to achieve. That quiet peaceful place where we feel powerful and aren’t afraid. The place where our brain is used at it’s capacity. So the potential is unlimited.

Where there is no fear.

Just love and fresh air and healthy water.

Lots of tall trees with deep mysterious shadows and beautiful moving bodies of water that teach us that life is always renewing itself.

Reminding us that change is un-avoidable. Part of growing.”

-Paola Andrea