Chillin Exponential Potential Inserts Quotes Using The Brain

Luck is the Residue of Design

“Luck is the residue of design”

– Predestination (movie)

Exponential Potential Interconnectivity Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame – Short Vlog 14 – Grit; Everything Listens; Magnetic Alignment

Exponential Potential Life Is Yours Spark the Flame - Short Vlog

Spark the Flame – Short Vlog 13 – LOA and Harmony

Interconnectivity Spark the Flame - Long Podcast

Spark the Flame Podcast 19

Was having issues with the audio, so couldnt include an intro and outro this time. But will try to have it working for next time. Enjoy!

Using The Brain

The brain is like a sponge. It absorbs everything around it, whatever you experience, and think, and feel. It takes these things and internalizes them, makes them part of its own.

Quotes In Person

“Dreaming of that place we all look for. We try to achieve. That quiet peaceful place where we feel powerful and aren’t afraid. The place where our brain is used at it’s capacity. So the potential is unlimited.

Where there is no fear.

Just love and fresh air and healthy water.

Lots of tall trees with deep mysterious shadows and beautiful moving bodies of water that teach us that life is always renewing itself.

Reminding us that change is un-avoidable. Part of growing.”

-Paola Andrea

Using The Brain

When you do not see a viable choice for yourself, ask yourself to help you decide. You are asking your subconscious, the part of the brain that is working “under the radar”, to evaluate your situation and come up with a desirable choice of action.

Exponential Potential

Power Perceived Is Power Acheived

You may have heard the phrase “Power perceived is Power acheived.” This is essentially correct, however grossly misused. When people use this phrase, they usually mean “Power perceived (by others), is Power acheived (within yourself).” Using that phrase in this way is erroneous, and will never lead you to true power. Rather, “Power perceived (within), is Power acheived (within).” True power only sprouts from within, and the way others perceive you will be a testament to exactly how much power you perceive within, yourself. And there is no end to it. Remember, dig deeper, and all you’ll find is more to find…you are a creation of the infinite…you are literally made of infinite parts, it is impossible to count your particles!

Your brain allows you to realize this, and when you realize that you are an infinite being, you realize that your potential is infinite as well. There is no limit to what you can do, because there is no limit to you!!!

Using The Brain

You know how people say we only use 10% of our brain? Or something like that? In a way it’s true. Your brain is chugging all day and all night, whether you know it or not. So it is actually working, the thing is most people dont direct it in an efficient manner, so much of it is working on something other than what you would like.

Using The Brain

The external doesnt necessarily have to directly affect you to be influenced. Like a Full Moon. The Full Moon doesnt physically have to turn people into monsters, or somehow change how they act. People will look at the sky and say “Oh look, it’s a Full Moon tonight, let’s do something crazy!” People do it themselves. And police reports will tell you that crime and wayward behavior generally increase on a Full Moon. But regardless of any direct affects of the moon itself, people will change their own behavior, their own thoughts and actions, solely on the fact that the moon is full, and what that means to them.

Your brain is very much like a lump of clay, where you can actively mold it to be whatever you want. With time and effort, your brain will take the form of anything you can imagine. The brain of a hero, the brain of a writer, the brain of a president…anything you can imagine, you can become. The brain is your tool, your physical tool that creates these realities.

The brain has to work this way, otherwise humans could have never come as far as we have. We needed to adapt and transform ourselves into what was necessary to survive, succeed, and excel/surpass.

When you change your brain, your brain changes you. It changes how you think and how you act. These in turn change your life. To grasp full control, you must be aware of the status of your  brain, how it is being shaped in this moment, and if this coincides with the results you wish to have.

Remember, your brain is modifiable like clay, not permanent like concrete. Every day the brain changes. You might as well learn to use it.