Exponential Potential Interconnectivity Life Is Yours Quotes Using The Brain

The World Belongs to Optimists

The world belongs to optimists.
That’s all you have to say.
Just keep your eyes on those blue skies
And you will find the way…

To climb the mountain of success-
Now here’s the magic key:
That while you earn, you have to learn
To help humanity.

-Dr. Robert Kavesh (recently deceased)

Chillin Exponential Potential Interconnectivity Life Is Yours Using The Brain

No Matter What, Know that Things Can Get Better

No matter what, know that things can get better.

No matter where you are. Or what is going on. Regardless of the impacts of the past, the future can be very unpredictable.

No matter what we think is going to happen, or how we believe things will turn out, we don’t consciously know it all. We don’t know the details. And so often, wild, crazy things have entered into Life to be a part of reality.

Keep positive. Keep open. And definitely, please, stay real.

Keeping positive doesn’t mean denying the truth of the moment. Positivity that can spark change is about accepting the truth of the moment, being a “Yes” to it, with humility, love, connection, and optimism. Imagine the number of people who have done the worst things, and then turned their lives around. Imagine the many miracles people have experienced with seemingly no rhyme or reason, but which have been saving graces in their lives?

Keep positive my friends. Real to your self, your core, your Soul. And yet, positive. Loving. Accepting. Forgiving. Loving. Loving. Loving.

Blessings to you and yours. And all. One Love.

Chillin Life Is Yours Using The Brain

Meaninglessness, and Feeling Meaning

I have been struggling off and on with feeling meaning. It comes in waves. It’s difficult to define how long this last one was, I think it was on and off for almost a year. It was more on struggle this autumn until a few weeks ago.

I think there were a combination of things that helped alleviate it. My mom helped me paint to a much brighter color in my living room and bedroom. And she shared with me a meditation which put me in a purer state of Presence when listening to it. These things helped a lot.

One of the greatest contributions to my sustaining more meaning in these recent weeks is drastically reducing the noise that my brain listens to. I live by myself, and during my free time I’m normally listening to news, sports content, talks, etc. When I cut out all those things and just sat quiet while eating, while cleaning, while brushing my teeth, etc., I was in effect spending more time with a part of my self.

While I care about what’s happening in the world, possibly the greatest meaning is found within my self. Or at least, it was a huge factor that was not getting any attention to Be, and be Present, and quiet. Quiet so that I can discern and feel the meaning that exists in the fabric of the moment.

I feel a lot better now, having cut out a significant amount of distractions from my free time. I automatically sense more meaning in the moment.

Chillin Using The Brain

Slow the Perception of Time

As I’m getting some older I notice time in general seems to go by more quickly. At the end of the year I would look back and think “Wow this year flew.”

There are some exceptions. Like the last couple of years with so many changes in my life.

I’ve been interested in this because I don’t want time to fly so quickly. Even though I am talking about the perception of time and not the speed of time itself, I still want to feel things going by more slowly. I don’t want to wake up one day and be really old and say to myself “Where did my life go?”

An aside: I do think it is possible that the actual speed of time fluctuates, even within a single day. Not sure how much control of this we have. My theory is it’s attached to some wave-like pattern / mechanism (like gravity waves?).

Back to time: I found a video which emphasizes how to slow down the perception of time:

  • being very Present (I had an intuitive hunch about this method, and had written and drew something about this previous post under the section “Stay Present”).
  • having new experiences that are attached to your ever-evolving identity.

I’ve been testing this out the deeper Presence and it seems to work. Whenever I am more Present time seems much slower. This is ‘paying’ attention to the Present moment. One way I can tell how Present I am being is when I’m in my elevator in my apartment building, if the ride went fast, I know I was distracted. If the ride feels slow, it tells me I’m being Present.

Here is the video with some thoughts on slowing your perception of time:


Quotes Using The Brain

Two Pleasure Systems in the Human Brain

we have two separate pleasure systems in our brains, one that has to do with exciting pleasure and one with satisfying pleasure. The exciting system relates to the ‘appetitive’ pleasure that we get imagining something we desire, such as sex or a good meal. Its neurochemistry is largely dopamine-related, and it raises our tension level. The second pleasure system has to do with the satisfaction, or consummatory
pleasure, that attends actually having sex or having that meal, a calming, fulfilling pleasure. Its neurochemistry is based on the release of endorphins, which are related to opiates and give a peaceful, euphoric bliss.

-Norman Doidge, from: The Brain that Changes Itself

Chillin Exponential Potential Inserts Quotes Using The Brain

Luck is the Residue of Design

“Luck is the residue of design”

– Predestination (movie)

Chillin Exponential Potential Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

I do not Seek. I Find.

Referring to Pablo Picasso’s quote “I do not seek. I find” – and how the concept helps me perceive and appreciate the beauty of what is already here, and trying to reduce the ‘chase’.

When I chase certain things, they can be like forms and shapes in a cloud far away – as I get nearer the form disappears and what I thought was there turns out to be an illusion. Instead of chasing / seeking, we can ‘find’ what is here right in front of us, or beside us and around us. Instead of pursuing far away, we can open our senses and experience what we have been brought together with that exist with us right here.

Chillin Using The Brain

A Bit on Nostalgia

This winter I realized that I was craving for some things from my past, like video games from my childhood. And I found a way to start playing some again, and it’s been great 🙂

I noticed once, in my very cold apartment, that thinking fondly of things from the past, from my warm past, actually made me feel warm physically and as if I was not alone. It was a beautiful moment and revelation.

Here is a brief online article about how nostalgia has been found to literally reduce mild pain:

And here is a New York Times piece on many benefits of nostalgia which I personally found very surprising:

If you don’t have access to the New York Times article you can look at the Wikipedia entry for nostalgia which mentions a lot of the psychological benefits I found surprising:

Cheers to a warm past reaching out to give us comfort, security and hope in the Present.

Chillin Quotes Using The Brain

Power Over Your Interpretation

Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

I love this quote about having power over our mind, but not outside events. How I see it:

It’s obvious, if we are paying attention to our lives and circumstances, that we dont have direct control over everything, (and maybe not full direct control over anything). Simply put: out what we can control, we have a lot of power in creating change. But, there are plenty of times when we will receive surprises, and depending on who we are, we may interpret them in various ways, as in “good” or “bad”, etc. We have influence over our interpretation, over the meaning that we derive. And depending on our chosen and effective interpretation, we contribute or “attract” certain outcomes.

Something interesting here: I distinguish between interpretation and view. View is our perspective. If we were looking at an enormous boulder in the woods, and I was on one side and you were on the other, our view / perspective is different. The interpretation is the meaning we make with our perspective. So, to change meaning, you can try to change viewpoint.

So, while I’m with Marcus Aurelius on this quote, I think we have power and influence over both, our mind and outside events, but we will also get surprises. But we have power over how we interpret those surprises, which impacts the present as well as future events.

Good luck!

Chillin Interconnectivity Reality Using The Brain

On Being a Healthy Professional

I am honored to have been asked to give a presentation to a class of working professional master’s students. The theme is: being healthy. These are the general notes I put together for the presentation. 

What are your values?

  • In other words, what are your priorities?
    • We can only maintain a few priorities at the very top
    • Find your values, and stick to that
      • You are being who you want to be
  • Self-discovery takes a lifetime

What happens when you live your values?

  • You feel good about yourself
  • You feel more meaning and fulfillment
  • You forgive yourself and others more
  • You are more willing to do the hard work
  • You channel more positive energy
  • You help the world

A more healthier you is a more healthier world

  • We are all connected; we are all One; we are all part of the same whole
  • When you hurt yourself you hurt others, and vice versa
  • When you are doing the best for yourself, you are doing the best for others
  • Your state of being impacts everyone, everywhere, every single moment, near and far

Stay Present

  • The Present is a gift, that’s why they call it the Present
  • Honor your gift of being here
  • How do you honor it?
    • By living fully. Live the moment as deeply as possible
    • The moment is a miracle


  • You have to be aware of yourself, of your mind, of your emotions
    • Emotion regulation; equanimity – healthily manage your emotions
    • Being aware of your thoughts allows you to stop negative thinking in the moment
  • Positive thinking leads to healthy life and positive results
  • How do we increase mindfulness?
    • One way is meditation….

Meditation and breathing

  • It’s all about the breath
    • Always focus on your breath
    • Slow breath in 
    • Just as slow, breathe out
    • Breathe into the bottom of your stomach (the diaphragm)
      • Diaphragm breathing is calming
      • Chest breathing is for fight-or-flight
  • Feel the breath fill every part of your body. Be physically present
  • Do not judge your thoughts, let them go
  • Always come back to the breath
  • There are many types of meditation. This is based on the zen way (zazen)

Benefits of meditation

  • Eventually adds pauses between thoughts
  • More present
  • More centered. Accessing answers that are inside of you
  • Observing the thoughts, instead of identifying with them
  • You are not your mind
  • When you can “catch” yourself thinking, you can better direct your thoughts

The practice of meditation

  • Meditation is a practice, not a perfect
  • Commit to 2 minutes every single day!
    • Practicing every day creates geometric growth like compounding interest in a retirement savings
  • Good talk therapy is a fantastic compliment to meditation
    • Meditation and therapy will illuminate each other

General wellness tips

  • Keep your connections with loved ones strong.
    • This helps to give you meaning
  • Meditate every day, for at least 2 minutes. Every single day
  • If there is something in your life that you know needs a change, make the change.
  • This has a ripple effect on other parts of your life
  • Show Life that you have the courage and commitment for growth and Life will respond to you with rewards and more opportunities
  • Turn off all screens at least 1 hour before going to bed
  • Do NOT look at your cell phone in the middle of the night
  • Do not look at the cell phone when first waking up
  • Use blue-light blocking lenses
    • Reduces eye strain
  • Detach from social media
  • Give yourself breaks from external stimuli
    • Your subconscious needs space and time to process things
  • Balance mind, body and spirit
    • They each affect the other
  • Get out into nature
    • Nature is a fantastic teacher of wisdom
  • Consider allowing things to happen, instead of forcing them happen
  • Don’t burn out! You are no good to anyone if you burn out.
  • Burnout often is permanent. Once you burn out you may be completely done with this industry
  • Maintain health and balance. You cannot continue a sprint indefinitely. You must go at a pace you can keep.
  • Have compassion for yourself and others. This reduces the chance of burnout
  • Sleep
    • Learn your sleep cycles
  • Start the day in calmness
  • Start and end the day by thinking about what you are grateful for.
  • Keep a journal and / or a dream journal
    • Journaling helps you understand your subconscious
  • Replace whatever you are drinking with water
  • Don’t skip meals
  • Eat your last meal early, so there is time to digest before going to bed
    • You will feel lighter in the morning
  • Chew completely. Your stomach doesn’t have teeth
    • Eat in peace. Eating is a spiritual practice.
  • Treat people like humans.


Quotes Using The Brain

Excerpt from Siddhartha

“…when you throw a stone into the water, it finds the quickest way to the bottom of the water. It is the same when Siddhartha has an aim, a goal. Siddhartha does nothing; he waits, he thinks, he fasts, but he goes through the affairs of the world like the stone through the water, without doing anything, without bestirring himself; he is drawn and lets himself fall. He is drawn by his goal, for he does not allow anything to enter his mind which opposes his goal.”

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

Everyone can reach their goal, if they can think, wait and fast.”

Quotes Using The Brain

Gratitude, From Napoleon Hill

I was astounded, when I first tried this plan of offering a prayer of thanks for what I already possessed, to discover what a vast fortune I had owned without being appreciative of it. For example, I discovered that I possessed a sound body which had never been seriously damaged by illness. I had a mind which was reasonably well balanced. I had a creative imagination through which I could render useful service to great numbers of people. I was blessed with all the freedom I desired, in both body and mind. I possessed an imperishable desire to help others who were less fortunate. I discovered that happiness, the highest aim of mankind, was mine for the taking, business depression or no business depression….It may be helpful…to take inventory of…intangible assets. Such an inventory may disclose possessions of priceless value.

-Napoleon Hill

Exponential Potential Interconnectivity Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame – Short Vlog 14 – Grit; Everything Listens; Magnetic Alignment

Interconnectivity Quotes Using The Brain

Quotes on Consciousness as the Infinite as God

I recently heard Deepak Chopra and Anoop Kumar both speak their opinion that “God” is the same as the infinite, which is the same as consciousness.

I found this idea interesting – here are some quotes:

…What we call Life, really doesnt have an opposite. The opposite of birth is death, and the opposite of death is birth. But Life doesnt have an opposite.– Anoop Kumar

Consciousness is primary, and what we call ‘matter’ is an experience in our consciousness. Now if consciousness is primary, it’s also infinite….Not only is consciousness infinite, but the infinite has always been the ultimate description of what we call God. The more common notions, the more familiar notions, they are aspects of God. So there is infinite, but then we talk about infinite wisdom, infinite compassion, infinite mercy, infinite understanding, these are aspects of infinite. And this infinite shows up, not only in religion, but it shows up in mathematics, and philosophy, as different aspects, different approaches. Each of these is a unique perspective, and therefore each has unique data, to contribute about something that’s beyond all concepts. The more we evolve, the more we see the infinite underlying nature of all things. Call it religious, call it spiritual, call it secular, or simply the practical experience of knowing ourselves and eachother more deeply.– Anoop Kumar


Consciousness, or God, is all-knows, all modes of knowing, and all experiences known. Consciousness is invisible. Why? Because it has no form. But without consciousness there is no experience of that which we call visible. Consciousness is beyond perception. Why again? Because it’s formless, it’s boundless. You cannot imagine consciousness, you cant imagine God because if you imagine God it’s not God. The infinite cannot be imagined. But without consciousness there is no imagination.– Deepak Chopra


The quotes above are from this debate on NPR.


Chillin Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame – Guided Meditation 2

Chillin Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame – Guided Meditation 1

Spark the Flame - Short Vlog Using The Brain

Spark the Flame Vlog 7 – How to meditate…for beginners

Chillin Using The Brain

Dont Do Anything Unless You are Grateful for It

Chillin Using The Brain

If You Believe, You Will See More SIgns

If you dont see many signs,

it can  be difficult to believe.

The irony is,

if you believe,

you will see more signs.

Oetics Using The Brain

Feel Appreciation

Feel appreciation. Don’t look just to think it. Feel it;

without words.


Chillin Free Hands Interconnectivity Using The Brain

A Charmed Life

Things are fine for you when you feel fine for you. They may come out of nowhere, and shock you, but if you hold the “this is fine”, “it is going to be ok” feeling constant, things reorder themselves to be fine for you.


If your perspective is at a general high/up/optimistic constant, Life will appear magical, because things are reordered in ways that appear crazy, to meet you on your perspective. Throughout the low times, your high perspective continues to carry you through, until Life comes seemingly out of nowhere again to meet your high perspective with a beautiful gracious blessed set of events.

Keep your perspective high, your optimism, and you invite the perception and experience of a charmed Life.

Quotes Using The Brain

And herein we find the secret of propelling our heart’s desires from the state of imagination to the reality of our everyday lives. It’s our ability to feel as if our dreams have already come to life, our wishes are fulfilled, and our prayers already answered.”

The Divine Matrix – Gregg Braden

Note: If you already feel the way you would if this circumstance were true, then on many levels, it doesn’t matter whether it is actually true or not. It seems like this is often the place where the magic happens….

Chillin Interconnectivity Life Is Yours Spark The Flame (el libro) Using The Brain


The aim is to publish the first edition of SparkTheFlame in paperback in 2015. Currently it’s shaping to be a small book of about 40 pages.

Here will be published the first few sections, which comprise much of the book. Enjoy!

This Is Your Life

  • Your Life has been entrusted to you. You have a sacred duty to your Life.
  • Your Life depends on you to live and thrive, to shine the world with its true expression.
  • You are the only custodian, the sole guardian of your Life. You can place this sacred responsibility in the hands of another, but that is your choice to make. If you do this, choose your surrogate wisely.
  • It is up to you to create your Life. It is your responsibility, your duty, your blessing.
  • Life is yours to enjoy if you please. Happiness is your choice, and when it occurs, it occurs Now.
  • If your Life is not going the direction you want, you must make changes and steer in a different direction. You are the one to do it.
  • If you believe, you will receive the help you need. It may come in unexpected space and time, but it will show.
  • Everyone has the right to direct their own Life.
  • Doing what you feel and know is best in your heart, even if painful to yourself or others, will assure positive return.
  • We are all learning. We are all students. Always give yourself room for mistakes, they help us grow.
  • Anything and Everything can be part of your good story, with good endings.
  • Love is a journey. Happiness, success, health, wealth…they are not destinations. They are all journeys. They all begin Now, and accompany you on the path.

Using The Brain

  • Every thought, word, action, and feeling you experience changes the physical shape of your brain and influences your behavioral inclinations. This physical altering of your brain is called neuroplasticity.
  • The more you repeat any thought, word, action, or feeling, the more likely you are to do it again. Each time you do so carves a deeper etching into your brain and being.
  • To create a habit of something, practice it. To break a habit, practice the opposite. Practice who you want to be, and your brain will transform accordingly, following your lead and instruction to become the person of your ideal.
  • The brain works very mysteriously. It connects with Life to produce situations and circumstances that represent, reflect, and reinforce the person who you are right Now.
  • Deliberately continue the experience “I am blessed,” and your mind will produce surrounding conditions and personal perspective to confirm this.
  • Your choice and your gift is to custom-tailor your brain to create a world dear to your heart.


  • Everything in the universe is connected and part of a Whole.
  • Everything you do affects everything else. Your thoughts, feelings, actions and words reach the world, touching and affecting everything everywhere.
  • For something to be truly done in your betterment, you must aim for the betterment of all.
  • When you help someone else, you help yourself.
  • It is sacred to fill yourself with positivity. This reflects back onto the world.
  • We are like waves of the ocean. Connected to everything in the ocean, through the ocean, but also having distinctive shape and form. The wave may crash and meld back into the larger ocean, but it can take shape and form again, all the while remaining ever connected and part of the all-encompassing ocean.
  • All contains All. Every portion of this universe contains the whole universe. All information in this universe is everywhere at the same time. All things have equal inherent value.
  • The outside world is a reflection of your inside world. To create change on the outside, make change on the inside.
Using The Brain

To improve you must remove negative influences from your life. They each are like holes in your vessel (ship), no matter how small they work only to impede your progress. The strongest, quickest vessel is the one with a solid hull; stable, whole, able to master the greatest of storms encountered. Every hole will work to impede you, no matter the size or shape. You must repair each one.

Using The Brain

Your Thought Vessel

These are the thoughts that appear in your awareness. They affect you greatly, how you act, how you progress. They affect your perspective, which creates the canvass for your world.

When you say “I suck at this” or “I’m not good enough”, if you feel and believe what you are saying, you brain makes it so. Your brain will work and work constantly to build you into what you wish (think), it truly is the greatest muscle.

Normal muscles go only in so many directions, but the brain can take you to anywhere you tell it to.

To improve you must remove all negative influences in your life. They each are like holes in your vessel, no matter how small, they work only to impede your progress. The strongest, quickest most reliable vessel is the one with a solid hull; stable, whole, able to master the greatest of storms encountered. Every hole will work to impede you, no matter the size or shape. You must repair each one.

No matter how big or small, all sources of negativity must be replaced with objects/sources of growth.

Using The Brain

The brain is like a sponge. It absorbs everything around it, whatever you experience, and think, and feel. It takes these things and internalizes them, makes them part of its own.

Using The Brain

When you do not see a viable choice for yourself, ask yourself to help you decide. You are asking your subconscious, the part of the brain that is working “under the radar”, to evaluate your situation and come up with a desirable choice of action.

Using The Brain

Your perspective is one of your most powerful tools. Your perspective greatly influences your thoughts and actions towards something

Person A says “I cant jump this wall”

Person A Will not even try

Person B says “This wall is pretty damn tall, I might be able to jump it”

Person B Will try a few times

Person C says “I know I can jump this wall.”

Person C Will try until reaches success

Using The Brain

You know how people say we only use 10% of our brain? Or something like that? In a way it’s true. Your brain is chugging all day and all night, whether you know it or not. So it is actually working, the thing is most people dont direct it in an efficient manner, so much of it is working on something other than what you would like.

Using The Brain

The external doesnt necessarily have to directly affect you to be influenced. Like a Full Moon. The Full Moon doesnt physically have to turn people into monsters, or somehow change how they act. People will look at the sky and say “Oh look, it’s a Full Moon tonight, let’s do something crazy!” People do it themselves. And police reports will tell you that crime and wayward behavior generally increase on a Full Moon. But regardless of any direct affects of the moon itself, people will change their own behavior, their own thoughts and actions, solely on the fact that the moon is full, and what that means to them.

Your brain is very much like a lump of clay, where you can actively mold it to be whatever you want. With time and effort, your brain will take the form of anything you can imagine. The brain of a hero, the brain of a writer, the brain of a president…anything you can imagine, you can become. The brain is your tool, your physical tool that creates these realities.

The brain has to work this way, otherwise humans could have never come as far as we have. We needed to adapt and transform ourselves into what was necessary to survive, succeed, and excel/surpass.

When you change your brain, your brain changes you. It changes how you think and how you act. These in turn change your life. To grasp full control, you must be aware of the status of your  brain, how it is being shaped in this moment, and if this coincides with the results you wish to have.

Remember, your brain is modifiable like clay, not permanent like concrete. Every day the brain changes. You might as well learn to use it.